Getting Unstuck

I could use feedback. Have been trying to coach myself through this for a while and weight is stuck. Have lost 55lbs, but at 20 lbs from my goal. This is the work I did today:

Sitting with my thoughts this morning. Stories about being on the “struggle bus” or that weight loss is hard now or that I need/deserve to eat more because I’m not drinking cream in my coffee are not leading to results I want. My weight has been bouncing around the 160 mark since the end of February. I think that is probably my new set point. I’m not giving myself near enough credit for that . 160 – as a set point!!! – are you kidding me? I didn’t think anything less than 173 was even possible. Why am I still at 160? Because I am making more exceptions and eating more joy eats, even though they are planned. Why? Because I deserve it, I’ve worked so hard. Why? Because I’m not willing to go on vacation or to parties and strictly follow my plan. Why? Because part of me believes that this is good enough and that I don’t need to get to 140. Why? Because I look pretty good now
Why do you want to get to 140? It’s what I weighed when I graduated from high school. It is something that I think is impossible and will be hard to do – and I want to be someone who can do hard/impossible things. At 140 I will know for sure whether my hypertension will resolve or whether I get to take medicine to control it. Those are pretty good reasons, just not sure they are enough to get over the inertia that I am finding at 160. Why am I afraid to weigh 140? People will think I am too skinny. I don’t want to be truthful about how much weight I have lost/am going to lose. all my current clothes will be too big again and I will have to start my wardrobe over again. My blood pressure will still be high and I will be upset and frustrated that I still have to take medicine.

C: 160
T: that’s good enough
F: complacent
A: more joy eats, more exceptions
R: I stay at 160

C: 160
T: that is so badass!
F: excited
A: focus on following protocol, limit exceptions
R: lose more weight

C: 160
T: I look pretty good here
F: proud
A: talk about my weight loss like I am finished
R: stay at 160

C: 160
T: I am a fabulous work in progress, I can’t wait to see what the final product looks like
F: excited
A: follow protocol
R: lose weight

C: 160
T: 140 is too thin
F: anxious
A: find reasons to be comfortable where I am
R: stay 160

C: 160
T: I am someone who does what they say they are going to do, no matter what
F: committed
A: tweak and follow protocol
R: get to goal

C: weighing 140
T: you will still have hypertension and still have to take medicine
F: frustrated
A: overeat
R: stay at 160

C: hypertension
T: you take care of yourself no matter what
F: cared for
A: monitor blood pressure, take medicine if needed
R: blood pressure is controlled, no drama about whether or not it is related to my weight

C: weighing 140
T: people will think you are too skinny
F: self conscious
A: eat like I am at maintenance
R: stay at 160

C: weighing 140
T: you have weighed 140 as a fully grown human and did not think you were too thin
F: calm
A: follow protocol
R: get to goal

C: weighing 140
T: you will have to buy new clothes again
F: sad
A: overeat
R: stay at 160

C: weighing 140
T: you will get to buy new clothes again
F: excited
A: follow protocol
R: get to goal