Are my goals really just a way to buffer with busyness??

First of all – let me say….”where the hell have I been?” I didn’t realize / remember that this SCS site existed until some things mentioned on our call today. I went back through my email and found the login. Holy Cow… feeling behind and want to read all the great questions. Ok… moving on to my question/scenario.

I have several big goals in front of me for 2017. I keep hear you talking about focusing in on one specifically but I just can’t do that…or I guess I don’t want to do that. Here is my situation… I work full time in a pretty demanding job and I have a husband and child. Over the course of this year I am focusing on some outside initiatives that could better position me to have my own business beginning sometime in 2018.
1. I want to lose not less than 67 pounds this year.
2. Get me website up and running.
3. Start a blog (no less than 15 blog posts).
4. Start a podcast (not less than 24 episodes).
5. Complete my Masters.
6. Earn an additional $50k outside of my current job.
7. Write and publish a book by 12-15-17.

Additionally – as part of losing weight, I have stopped drinking (and I was drinking plenty of wine prior). I am confident that I can do all of this (ok…. let’s just go with that). So, here is the real question… I am wondering if all of this is buffering? I know none of it is bad or detrimental to me but am I just keeping myself insanely busy in an effort to not drink wine? One of the reasons I said I wasn’t going to drink wine was because I simply had too much to do this year. If I am not working or traveling for my corporate job, I am writing, studying, working on my podcast, etc…

If I had to take something off my list then it would be 6 & 7, the $$ first (because I really don’t know how that would happen specifically) and then perhaps the book. However… I say that because everything else is already in motion. I already have significant traction on 2,3 and 4 and 5 is scheduled out. Goals 6 & 7 are the only ones that truly scare me and therefor it makes me think for just that reason I should keep them.

So – am I buffering with busyness and lying to myself about the necessity for completing all of this?