Hating on ex husband

Hi Brooke
I’m a brand new scholar and I’m very excited to be a part of this experience. I’ve been listening to your podcasts for a couple months now and I feel better already. I’ve been watching all the videos, reading the books and practicing the model. I’m trying to work through a model to help with my anger and distrust issues I’ve been feeling for a long while now.

Would you please look at my model to see if I’m on the right path?

C My ex husband had an affair with my friend while we were married (20 years) and left me for her
T I hate him for what he did to me and our family
F anger, humiliation, worthlessness, distrust and self pity
A lash out and say mean things to him. Don’t trust men and have unsuccessful relationships
R We don’t speak to each other and it’s hard on our daughter

With intentional thoughts:
C My ex husband had an affair with my friend while we were married (20 years) and left me for her
T Our relationship had served its purpose and it was complete
F thankful for the great times that we DID have together
A positive talk and move on with my life
R no hostile environment for our daughter to deal with

Thank you SO much,