Help Creating the First 25 Fails

My goal for 2021 is to get certified through TLCS starting in April and land my first 4 paying clients by Dec. 31 2021.

I am having a hard time with my first quarter of 25 fails because my knowledge of becoming a successful coach feels limited and I am not sure if what I have come up with seems challenging/fail-worthy enough. Any ideas/help of things I could add would be so appreciated!
This is what I have so far:

1. Figure out the $ to pay for certification , do models daily around the $ ( I am having many thoughts about spending that much $) and then sign up , spend the money and never look back.
2.Begin sharing with people my career change and why I am choosing coaching
3.Begin a blog focused on my niche and being to share it via email or social media
4.Start to post on FB and Instagram more coaching like content
5.Get professionals headshots done that are for my business once I launch (and again spending $ on this and processing the $ piece)
6.Start offering some mini coaching sessions to friends from what I am learning in Scholars and books
7.Book as many free sessions with other coaches to discover different methods ( not sure how fail worthy this is?)
8.Start to put together a Vlog or something of the kind to send to friends for feedback

And that’s all I can think up. Feeling stuck about what other steps I can take that seem scary enough and fail worthy enough.