Hunger perception clarity please!

This is my 4 th month in SCS and I have significantly changed my relationship with food and at goal weight. My challenge is that lately I have become very aware of true hunger and fullness and working on this. At lunch, when I eat on protocol I am actually full even before I finish my planned portions. At dinner however my stomach just doesnt register satiety at all. It does not feel full. I am trying to be ok with this and telling myself that I have eaten enough and that there is the option to dine in etc and doing ok with that. However there are nights when I struggle to sleep due to the “empty” feeling in my stomach. The next day is almost always filled with lots of food chatter and more urges and due to sleep changes it is way harder to stay on protocol. How do I
1. Replicate the same sensation of fullness from lunch at ddinner- more water, veggies,protein??
2. If not, how do i get comfortable with the discomfort of not feeling full and yet being able to sleep.
Help clarify please.