I can’t live without him


My husband wants to leave me and sometimes I get so overwhelmed by anxiety, panic, sadness and despair that I can’t breathe or think, not cry or do anything. I really do think that I can’t be without him, I can’t exist, I cant live, I can’t be me, or be happy. He’s like my oxygen. Even when I think that we’re not that good for each other or that I have to learn to be without him, it seems as impossible as a blue sun or living on the moon or eating with the ears. It just can’t be. I just can’t be without him. I need him to survive. And I need our family to be whole, the 4 of us with the kids. I don’t know how to do it if the family explodes. Except he’s leaving.
What kind of models can I do with such extreme and desperate thoughts and feelings…? Usually the Scholars material helps me with everything in my life, but regarding a broken heart, I happen not to find anything useful. Please help me.

Thanks a lot.