"I need to get a job"



C: finances
T: I need to get a job
F: fear
A: look at job ads, buffer, ruminate over financial situation, indulge in confusion, apathy, negativity, and self-pity, don’t allow myself to process fear, look for evidence that I can’t start a successful business, look for evidence that my husband will never respect me unless I get a job, don’t fully implement Monday Hour One
R: feel needy (??)


C: finances
T: It’s possible that I’m wrong about not being able to start a successful business. {going for a ladder thought here}
F: committed
A: take massive action on starting a business, stop buffering, stop ruminating, look for evidence that I can start a successful business, look for evidence that husband will always do his thing and that’s ok, stop indulging in confusion, apathy, negativity, and self-pity, fully implement Monday Hour One
R: start a successful business

Feedback appreciated on my models! 🙂