Impossible goal-work hours?

Hi Brooke,
I’m still working on my impossible goal. I need to just commit, I know! Several goals fit nicely into hard, but possible: PR in the Boston marathon, lose 20 lbs, quit drinking diet soda. But one seems truly impossible for me: work only 10 hours per working day (I’m currently around 12 hrs and working on days off). My concern is if this fits well into the rest of the “impossible goal” framework in our book. I know I would drastically have to change how I work so I would need to get very specific on changes. But I’m not sure about the “date and time it will be accomplished” and “exact result that proves it is done” pieces. Would this just be tracking my hours? Or maybe my goal should be to get more done in less time-but that doesn’t seem specific enough. Any suggestions? I’m so excited for 2018 no matter what, thanks in no small part to the work I am doing in SCS. Thank you!