Is this your thought?

“I love when people underestimate me.”

I can’t remember if I heard that from you or my husband. When I asked him he said, “I don’t remember but I love that thought. It always motivates me when people underestimate me.”

I recently had someone express that they didn’t think I was a good pick for a job because they don’t think I could develop new business. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to develop business. That is something I have never thought I was good at so if I am being honest, his concern reflected some of my own concerns. But I am trying on this thought.

Unintentional model
C: J tells managing partner he has concerns about bringing me back to firm because I won’t develop business
T: Ugh! He is right. That isn’t something I’ve ever been good at.
F: Anxious
A: Ruminate and worry
R: Don’t develop business

Intentional model
C: J tells managing partner he has concerns about bringing me back to firm because I won’t develop business
T: I love that he has underestimated me.
F: Motivated
A: Discuss with husband and think of lots of ways I could develop business
R: ???

I am not sure of two things:
1) What is the result here that would reflect the new intentional thought?

2) Is this really a useful thought? I have seen it be useful for my husband. Anytime someone underestimates him, he definitely uses that to motivate himself and get great results. And in my case, it is definitely better than my unconscious thought “he is right” and got me thinking outside my normal pattern. It actually made me realize I could develop business and that could be very exciting and also lucrative for me. But isn’t this thought reactive to someone else’s opinion? Is that a problem?