Jumping on the last 5 lbs dare (but mine is more like 15 lbs)!

Jumping on “the last 5 lbs dare” (but mine is more like 15 lbs)! Planning to weigh this by mid-August!
Protocol for next two weeks is:
Eating window 11-7; no sugar/flour; protein and vegetables at every meal
Joy Eat on Saturday, June 17th – window until 8:30 because we have a celebratory dinner planned but same protocol
Joy Eat on Monday, June 29th for daughter’s graduation party – window until 8:00 because we have a dinner planned but same protocol + half a piece of cake
C: 15 lbs to lose
T: I don’t like how I look this way.
F: Motivated to take action
A: Start
R: Last a few meals

I realized that I need more than one model, esp. because I always seem to start motivated but then falter later on.
C: 15 lbs to lose
T: It’s a fun challenge – bring it!
F: Excited and motivated
A: Stick to my protocol
R: Lose Weight
C: 15 lbs to lose
T: I can survive feeling hungry sometimes and allow the urges to pass
F: Disciplined
A: Stay committed through challenges
R: Complete protocol and lose weight
I currently weigh 133 lbs, my heaviest as I am only 5’2″. I would love to weigh 118 lbs!