My Little Miracle: that turned out wonderful instead of miserable.


First, let me say, thank you for the Diamond Scholar necklace. I love it and squealed with glee upon receiving it, such a sweet surprise. I’m looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks at the Modelthon! Oh and that video link that you shared to Charity Water was so dope. I was compelled to give monthly too, and told some of my friends about it as well. So good.

Second, I was quiet on here in December, because a lot has been going on in my orbit. New job (still in sales, same industry-custom window treatments) for a company that I’m honored to serve, and that’s lucky to have me. More space (3 family members moved out of my home). Out of country vacation for 7 days (to Montego Bay, Jamaica; Georgetown, Cayman Islands; and Cozumel, Mexico). And it’s all been really good. But I’ve missed you, and need to get dialed back in.

Third, I didn’t realize how much more aware I’ve become in the past year as it pertains to my thinking and being honest about my decision making without blaming or excusing it on something or someone else.

For example, I had an amazing vacation with my family in December. It was incredible, however, towards the end of my vacation there was an issue (i.e. I bit down on some plastic in my food and almost swallowed it…) and when I brought it to the hospitality staff’s attention (along with a couple other things) I wasn’t happy with how it was handled. I began noticing that my thinking about the entire situation was starting to cause me harm.

And it was like I could hear your voice, “how’s this going for you? There’s no upside to this thinking, my friend.” And I said to myself, yep, absolutely no upside and I let it go. I didn’t care if they apologized or tried to offer something to (in my mind) “make it right” or not. I just let it all go. I didn’t ask, request, or demand for anything to be done. I enjoyed the rest of the night and got back excited about my trip. I kid you not the next day, I received a message from the head of hospitality and she comped an entire excursion that I had paid for, sincerely apologized, and asked me if that was acceptable. But the funny thing is, while I was grateful, I wasn’t attached to that outcome (or any really), because I had let it go and had total peace.

That little miracle made all the difference in my perception of vacation being wonderful vs. miserable.

Melodee Forbes