Menopause symptoms in the C line

I’ve been exploring (both in my journaling and in coaching) my intense physical and mental stress recently, due to work transitions and an increased workload. However, I am also menopausal – right in the thick of it. Instead of putting the work situation in the C line, I tried adding menopausal symptoms. What is your view on that, physical symptoms in the C line, despite my knowledge that also work / mental stress are there too?

Here are my 2 models reworked, based on this different C line.

Unintentional Model:
C: menopausal symptoms – migraine headaches this week, brain fog, doctor changed HRT dose, memory + concentration issues, physical stress
T: I’m terribly behind, there are so many things I haven’t done, I can’t manage like I used to
F: overwhelmed / disappointed in myself
A: overeat, abandon meal plan
treat my calendar – even then I use it – with fear and a sense of ‘there’s so much more’
undermine the small, simple routines that really help eg little to do ‘capture’ notebook, keeping surfaces tidied at home (tables, kitchen counter etc)
don’t do my morning meditation as even this feels too much
justify all this on the basis of ‘my work is impossible at present, nothing can be done’
tell myself ‘the stress overtakes me’
physically move more quickly, talk more quickly
When going to bed, keep phone near me which I know doesn’t help
avoid my long walks due to a thought about ‘being too tired’
sleep becomes unsettled – waking up startled
not play the piano as I normally do
not read (justify on the basis of – real – menopausal symptoms ‘I can’t concentrate’)
didn’t collect my prescription for higher HRT yesterday from pharmacy due to forgetfulness (overwhelm?)
work far too many hours for what I can manage – more than 52 this week
R: I create a state of messiness in my life, abandoning the structures that support me

Intentional model:
C: menopausal symptoms – migraine headaches this week, brain fog, doctor changed HRT dose, memory + concentration issues, physical stress
T: I can support myself in figuring out my priorities
F: cared for
A: empty sunday: planning and resting
make a list of my clinic work and prioritise – delete anything that can wait
Not working today except from priorities list
say no to friends who want to see me today – usually that’s fine but today I need a day to myself
create a simpler Monday Hour One plan today and focus on margins and small goals
follow my self care routines: they include journaling, thought downloads, reading, piano, walking
work on my monthly goal & spend the weekend brainstorming on that and getting excited: I’ve chosen to focus on food and family meals
have a good discussion with husband today
avoid social media & put phone aside at night
collect my new HRT prescription at the first opportunity
if I find myself rushing and getting flustered, use ideas from coaching: visualisation of light breeze versus furious wind, deep breaths, Headspace app
R: I make myself the top priority and do what I know works to support myself in a time of stress and change