Mixed reactions

The time management work is so important for me to meet important work and study deadlines. However, I’ve had a side effect on days or times when I’m really focused on my scheduled tasks that I’m reactive or very sensitive. I can snap at people interrupting me, like really snap, and then I think that my behavior was rude and not who I want to be. The more I try to control both myself stay focused, get it done on time as planned. I have the thought that I’m loosing the kind, open, and understanding person that I want to be. Then I feel sad, and consider that I’m becoming a monster (yes more extreme thought & more extreme feeling). My intentional thought to stop the spira is that I learning to focus on my schedule, it’s practice and that ok. I am still the person that I choose to be. Even when I make a mistake (& snap at some one). I can take responsibility for both the benefit (getting my work so done) and apologize for my rudeness.
I tealize that this is a thought download, but can you help point out specific models (unintentional & intentional)?
