Model confusion

I seem to be chaining two models with my eating plan. What am I doing wrong?

In the first model, this happened last night and I can’t even pinpoint the T and F, it happened so fast.


C: I’m done with dinner and see there is a box of sweets in the fridge
T: ?
F: ?
A: Eat three servings of sweets in one minute or less
R: Broke my plan

C: Broke my plan
T: It’s not working
F: unmotivated
A: Eat like I used to
R: Put on weight

Intentional – even if I try to use a positive thought, it feels confusing and I just revert to my previous model
C: See sweets
T: I can teach myself to avoid sweets
F: Overwhelmed
A: Eat sweets
R: Broke plan

C: Broke plan
T: I can pick myself up
F: it’s too hard, unmotivated
A: Overeat
R: put on weight