Model on “reactions to my weight loss”

Hi Brooke,
in the past I always failed with my weight loss goals. Whenever someone would comment on me having lost weight,I “somehow” started overeating again. It’s my impossible goal this year to finally reach a normal BMI (-70lbs) and be happy and fearless with being my ideal weight.
My “traditional” model:

C: xyz says how wonderful it is that I lost weight
T: aha. she thinks I’ve been fat and doesn’t like that. How dare she.
F: anger
A: overeat
R: stay fat (prove my autonomy)

Intentional model:
C: xyz comments
T: nice, but irrelevant
F: in balance
A: stick to my plan
R: keep losing weight

But then, there’s another type of model going on, also:
C: xyz says how wonderful it is that I lost weight
T: I disappointed people so often. Will be the same this time.
F: Fear
A: overeat
R: stay fat (prove disappointment)

Intentional mode:
C: xyz says how wonderful it is that I lost weight
T: she comments on the obvious: I’m changing
F: confidence
A: continue with conversation/not eating
R: keep losing weight

Thank you.