Not sure how to

Hi Brooke,

I am working on Stop Overeating and I figured out that I play mind games with myself when it comes to going off protocol. This is what goes on in my mind: “you will set goals. You will be confident and full of “unconditional love” but you will eventually fail and then will come the shame because you do have conditions of love for your self. You are only worthy of love when you stick to what you said you will do.”
i am confused what my new thought would be because all my new thoughts help me feel unconditional love but not committed to staying on protocol or staying with my goals. When I have them as opposite thoughts I feel like they are conflicting.

-I am amazing and loved regardless of my obedience to my protocol.
– it is easy and effortless for me to stay on my protocol.

I’ll be honest, I don’t believe that second thought at all!

Please help me!!