Relationship Question

My boyfriend and I are on a wonderful journey together and have made progress and yet old patterns resurface. We know we are each other’s teacher.

I shared this with my BF (my overwhelm and epiphany), which he listened and gave me good insight, but after him repeating the same thing over and over again (20+minutes). He was talking about how I care so much about what others think of me and how this or that, which truly is all fine, but when I asked him if he wouldn’t mind changing the subject he then said “you don’t listen, you are trying to be perfect, etc.” and started getting really upset, but really I felt he was projecting his own stuff on to me. We ended up getting off the phone and he texted me right away “Wow… And then you hang up… Good work. Glad your efforts are working out for you. Keep trying to be perfect… That will go a long way”

I know this has nothing to do with me. I called him back and told him what he said was good insight, but I ran out of my personal band width. I have not heard from him only by sending me IG post “ “may you have the courage to break the patterns in your life that are no longer serving you.” and a website on stuff I should look at. I have not heard from him other than those posts.

In the past I would feel the need to call and justify and apologize, but I do not feel I need to do this. AND I AM NOT EVEN MAD AT HIM.

Please help me to run a model and/or guide me how to approach him without going down a rabbit hole.

Thank you!