Relationship: The things that bug me about my husband, are also my behaviors! OH NO!

I started doing relationship work around my relationship with my husband, because I am so fed up with him and want out- but I listened to the relationship coaching and started doing the homework…

I did a thought download on all the things that bug me about him… and as I was writing them down.. I realized.. OH NO! I do these things too!

I say I’m going to do things and I don’t do them, I ignore important things like taxes and financial planning, I don’t clean up after myself, I have grand ideas that I don’t put into action, I ignore him, I ignore myself.. it goes on and on! I used the word “hate” about some of the things.. and realize I “hate” those same thing about me…

Now I feel totally overwhelmed, sad, and mad at myself… because I can see that his behaviors are a mirror for so many of my behaviors and I feel so frustrated… What now?

I started doing models, but there are just so many… It felt so much easier when I thought it was just him, and if I got rid of him.. all things would fall into place, that choice felt easier than actually doing my own work. It feels so big and too much. Any advice is welcome!!