Result line help – what’s my result?

Hello, I could use some help with my R line and it’s the part I always tend to get stuck at.

Here’s an example of a UM:

C: My friend hangs out with another friend

T: I’m not good enough

F: Shame / sadness

A: I withdraw from my friends, I ruminate about ways I’m not as good as other people, I compare myself to others, I judge myself, I feel hopeless, I don’t want to put myself out there with people who may like me.

R: I don’t like me very much / I create the feeling of not being good enough / I’m not good enough to myself / I don’t show up as my best self .

I’ve put a few examples of possible R’s – I think I create the feeling of not being good enough and I don’t show up as my best self could be the better ones. But am I missing something? How do you know what R is the right one?

Thanks for your help 🙂 x