^scheduling gone haywire

Hi Brooke
Thank you for your earlier reply on modelling. Always very helpful.
I just wrote a long question, but really it’s a short one – how do you handle scheduling work that is R&D and hence of a very unpredictable length?
I’m driving myself nuts trying to get a results-based schedule to work out.
I fixed my procrastination, but I think I leaked in to perfectionism or lack of constraint or workaholism. Or all 3.

C: work task
T: I wont be able to do it in time
F: not good enough at work
A: panic and it slows me down and muddles me
R: I don’t get the work done on time

T: I can relax and find the best way to an adequate result
F: competent, positive
A: take a breath, accept my fear, explore solutions
R: I get at least some of the work done
