“I am single” Model Help, Please

Hi Brooke, is it possible to have the same actions/results with different thoughts? I’m running into this issue with my circumstance (I’m single), but my actions are the same when I change my thoughts from negative or positive. Please see below:

C: I am single
T: I want to meet my life mate already
F: Hopeful, impatient, hopeless
A: Take new classes/try new things, be open to meeting new people, work on becoming the best version of myself
R: I’m still single.

C: I am single
T: My life mate is out there, on his way to meet me too.
F: Hopeful, excited
A: Take new classes/try new things, be open to meeting new people, work on becoming the best version of myself
R: I’m still single.

C: I am single
T: … and this is okay
F: Peaceful
A: Take new classes/try new things, be open to meeting new people, work on becoming the best version of myself
R: I’m still single

C: I am single
T: When it’s meant to be, I will meet my life mate
F: Hopeful
A: Take new classes/try new things, be open to meeting new people, work on becoming the best version of myself
R: I am still single

Does this mean I’m indulging in passive action? Can you please tell me what I’m doing or not doing to cause me to have these models? Any assistance with these would be greatly appreciated since I appreciate your work so much already. Thank you!