
My son is 25 years old and lives in another state.
Over the last three years he has responded less and less to any communication from me.
In the last 6 months I’ve only received one communication back from him which said, “I am fine.”
My mind has scanned the last 25 years many, many, many times to figure out what I did or said that was wrong. I’m searching for some speck of understanding.
I adore my son and always have.
I miss my son every minute of every day.
I miss him being a part of my life. I miss being a part of his life.
I have never grieved a loss with such intensity before.
My heart is broken.
I am very hurt.
I am deeply sad.
Losing him has been the hardest thing I’ve ever had to endure and I don’t understand why he’s shut me out of his life.
My love for him hasn’t changed and never will.
I will continue to fully and completely love him no matter what.
He doesn’t owe me anything and all I want is his happiness and wellbeing.
But, for my sake, I need to find peace and acceptance with what is.
This has been torturing me and it’s clouding everything I do and think.
Can you please help me find the thoughts that will allow me to truly love my son, without any conditions, and take care of myself?
Thank you.