Spouse and money


I am finally at a good place mentally about our finances. I used to be a crazy person and would budget and my husband never stuck to the budget and I would freak out and this went on for years. It was ridiculous. I am mentally so much better, I don’t freak out, I spend when it’s necessary instead of stick to the budget…. So here is my question. My husband still doesn’t stick to the budget. We aren’t where either of us wants to be financially. . He always insists I make the budget and that he will do better but he doesn’t. I never even brought money up for months to see if I just needed to let him go and that didn’t change anything. What do I do? just keep letting him spend? It comes out of our savings. I have already gotten a new job to try to fix it, but it just created more spending. How is this mind work? How will our spending and finances change if I am the only one changing inside and he stays where he is and doesn’t care at all?