Staying out of my son’s models

Unintentional Model
C-19 year old son
T-I should be helping him find his way
A-I do not get curious, I do not offer advice, I try to see him in the future, I think that I am not judging him but might be by trying to circumvent any discussing his life, I worry about his future
R-I cannot even find my way

Intentional Model
C-19 year old son
T-He is capable of making his own life
A-I ask questions, I do not judge where he is at right now in his life, I do not worry for him
R-I am capable of making my own life

As a parent, I am worrying that I should be offering more guidance although that is triggered from me not knowing what his plan is. I tell myself that I can feel amazing without knowing what his goals are. He is not violating any boundaries, I have been living my life modeling how to get results and my brain tells me that I should be influencing him more to be more motivated. He is taking a gap semester because of COVID and I know it is a C that means nothing about him.  Thank you.