Sugar and sweets craving after each meal. Help!

For the past 30 years I have really enjoyed a sweet treat after every lunch and dinner. Usually its some high end dark chocolate with sea salt or sometimes its some McConnel’s gourmet ice cream and others it’s what ever I can get my hands on. I work out and jog every week so I justify the indulgence (addiction) as my little reward for all the hard work done. Long story short is I never lose the weight and get lean. I remain strong, but on the flabby side year after year. I would like to one day have no sugar cravings at all and be just fine with skipping the sweet treat after each meal. I would like to feel like I am not missing out or lacking any fun and be able to choose a sweet treat or an alternative once in a while, say once a month. I know that If I can lick this habit (no pun intended) this would be a major victory for me. Any tips you can provide would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.