Thank you!!

Hi Brooke,
I started listening to you late 2018, and joined Self Coaching Scholars in January 2019. Love you. For most of my life, I’ve been a non-writing writer. I stopped writing a long time ago. In some dark times, my words came out hurting and black, poison spilled on the page. I didn’t want to look into that mirror. Over the years, I would revisit writing, wanting so much to live the writing life, not doing it.

I felt so much growth in my life last year because of Self Coaching Scholars that in the end of May, I hired a writing coach. Investing in myself helped to provide motivation to take action. Last year I wrote about 165,000 words. On July 1st 2019, started a new novel, by November 29th, 2019, I’d finished the rough draft. I’ve been walking into discomfort and the unknown for a while now, figuring how to do the next step, investing in learning the how of self publishing, and promotion. In March I’m launching a four book series. I can’t tell you how excited I am to see my words come to fruition in the form of books. Thoughts are things – February’s SCS resonated deeply with me. My muse is bursting with pride. 🙂

I have spent my life missing the words. Thank you for helping me find my way back to them – to me. Thank you for helping me be brave enough to put myself out into the world, and teaching me all the best things are on the other side of the hard things.