The October Work

I started SCS in June, specifically to conquer overeating. I’m making progress – even though sometimes I feel like I’m taking 2 steps forward only to take 1 step backwards. But I refuse to quit. Some months I’ve done bits and pieces of the monthly work but mostly I’ve been focusing my efforts on the Stop Overeating Workshop. For October, I decided to adjust my focus slightly and prioritize the monthly work. I’ve been cleaning out my mind and my house like a crazy woman and loving it! But… I am so far from completing the month. I haven’t tackled my car nor desk yet. And I haven’t yet gotten to the week 4 “actions” questions from the workbook. With the month of October coming to a close, I’m having difficulty leaving the October work “undone.” But I also don’t want to feel like I’m getting behind. So where do I go from here? I have been feeding myself SO many very very negative thoughts for so very very long that I’ve realized in general, I need to take this work a little slower than your suggested pace. And that has to be okay. I’m learning to be more patient with myself and love myself more but it’s an arduous process. (Or is that just a thought?) Anyway. I guess I’m struggling with feeling good about where I am and how far I’ve come without getting discouraged or overwhelmed about having so much farther to go. I mean, the goal is to lose 80 lbs and so far with SCS, I’m down only 5. Usually, I’ve given up by now. But like I said earlier, I refuse to quit. I keep telling myself that 5 pounds is more than 0 and that my progress can’t be measured by a number on the scale. I would appreciate your thoughts and comments.
Many thanks,