There’s not enough of me to go around

I’ve been noticing this thought a lot lately, connected to the thoughts “I don’t know how people do it, how they work full time, their house is always nice, their laundry is done, their yard looks great, their car is clean… I don’t know how to do that!” Learning to constrain is definitely something I’m learning, so I picked one thing – clutter as my circumstance. Your insights, as always, appreciated!

C – Clutter
T – I can’t keep up with everything
F – Ashamed
A – buzz around trying to do everything, in actuality doing a little of everything but no one thing ever seems “done”, make big plans that I don’t follow through on because I had to work longer, hurt my back, I was tired; buffering; sitting around thinking about it but not doing it, indulging in overwhelm.
R – Things continue to be cluttered, perhaps to a lesser degree sometimes compared to others.

C – Clutter
T –
F – capable
A – take care of the clutter as it happens, have a schedule for household tasks/yard tasks that I stick to
R – Feel more comfortable in my home.