"This website will never be done"

I’ve been working on a contract to complete a website. I am far past the deadline for completion and I now dread working on it.

UM #1
C: deadline
T: This website will never be done
F: dread
A: don’t put website on calendar, don’t follow through on plans to work on deadline, work on other projects that feel higher priority, don’t plan specific results when I calendar website, don’t allow urges to buffer, buffer
R: website not done

C: deadline
T: I can finish this website with a final push {not sure if I believe this?}
F: motivated
A: put results on calendar, allow urges to buffer, take massive action on website until it is complete
R: finish website

C: deadline
T: I have let the client down
F: ashamed
A: don’t put website on calendar, don’t follow through on plans to work on deadline, work on other projects that feel higher priority, don’t plan specific results when I calendar website, don’t allow urges to buffer, buffer
R: let client down

C: deadline
T: It’s possible that my client will be happy with the end result {reaching for a ladder thought here}
F: committed
A: put results on calendar, allow urges to buffer, take massive action on website until it is complete
R: client gets website

Input on models welcome. Thanks in advance for your help!