Thoughts vs. Circumstances Clarification

Can you provide some guidance on how to apply the model when there could be a biological OR thinking/feeling root to the problem.

For example, there is a history of mood disorders (depression, anxiety, bipolar) in my family. As a result, I believe that my anxiety is partially related to biochemical factors. But I absolutely can say that I can make my anxiety worse through my thoughts. I would guess that addiction to alcohol or drugs is another example of a problem that is a complicated mix of brain disorder and thinking.

I don’t understand how to apply the model to these types of problems. If I had a purely physical problem–say shortness of breath–I would classify the shortness of breath as a circumstance. But if I describe my problem as anxiety, is that a circumstance? Or a feeling? Is it different depending on the specifics of the situation? if so, how do I know the difference when I’m in the middle of it?

When I try to work through anxiety feelings using the model I get stuck because I can’t find a way to break it down that seems true to my situation. To clarify, my experience of anxiety symptoms is not extreme enough to seek medication. It’s like I have the normal trigger thresholds on my flight-or-fight response, but once it is triggered it is turned up to a higher level for longer period of time than for most people.

Thanks for clarifying!