Unsolicited advice

I am trying to figure out the results in my models. I keep coming back to feelings as results in this specific situation. Is that OK?
Unintentional Model
C: H (my dear friend) said “Don’t let the bonuses expiring today push you into buying something that you don’t think is a good investment for you.” [This was an online injury prevention program for runners, my impossible goal is to run a marathon, and I have a long history of musculo-skeletal injuries every time I take up exercise.]
T: I wish she wouldn’t give unsolicited advice.
F: Irritated
A: Listen to her & affirm that I wouldn’t let the expiration of the bonuses push me into buying something that I don’t think is a good investment for me.
R: Feel less connected to her

Intentional Model:
C: H (my dear friend) said “Don’t let the bonuses expiring today push you into buying something that you don’t think is a good investment for you.”
T: She offers advice because she cares about me.
F: Gratitude
A: Thank her sincerely
R: Feel connected to her

I bought the program, so I don’t think that result would have changed regardless of the model.

Thank you!!