
I’ve been doing this work for a while now and this is what I’ve noticed.
Happy Mon – Fri because I’m busy do work I love and find fulfilling, and I’m exercising, seeing friends – generally, I’ve got every hour planned, including ‘time off’ which is me learning or working on my side gigs.

Sat & Sun – what a shit show. It’s just full of restlessness. I work on my side stuff then, I also exercise and usually see friends on the Sat night, but Sat day and Sun day I’m feeling as if I’m not doing enough. The thought is “I’m not productive enough, I should be doing more, achieving something”.
I’ve sat in the discomfort tried that. I’ve down thought downloads before.
Last weekend I carried on with my day with this gnawing feeling that because I hadn’t planned every hour I’d be wasting precious time doing something useful. So I went to a gallery to see an exhibition, I mean my body went, my mind was just going crazy thinking ‘What next, you haven’t planned the next 3 hours before you see your friend”. I watched the thoughts and allowed them, but they got so bad I had a drink to quieten them. Totally aware of the buffering. But that drink meant they shut down and I could carry on about my weekend without a shit show in my mind

So my question is – what now?
Do I carry on with the shit show mind and just watch it? I’ve been doing it for a few weekends and not buffering, but it just makes me feel shit.
Or do I create a new thought or a new belief as this month’s theme goes?
When do you sit and allow and when you do you create?