weight loss : am I being to restrictive?

Hi Brooke,

I have been listening to all your weight loss podcasts, then I joined SCS this month and began watching the “stop overeating” workshop. I lost 2 kg this week (4 pounds) and even if I want to lose 25 kg more (50 pounds), I find the 2 kg result huge! Am I being to restrictive on myself?

I have been Intermittent fasting for 3 years (skipping breakfast every day, 24h fasting every two weeks approximately, 2 meals plus frequent dark chocolate snacking) so that part was easy (but not easy 3 years ago!!!). To eliminate sugar and flour was not difficult either because I have been mostly eliminating high glycemic index food from my diet for most of the 10 past years. That combined with the IF is what allowed me to eliminate almost completely the hypoglycemia I had regularly since I was 10 years old. So this time I just had to eliminate chocolate and bread. The difficult part was to restrict the quantities, feel the frustration, and not leave the dinner table stuffed with an 8 on the hunger scale each time. For the moment I can do it and it is easier each day. On my protocol I allowed grains or beans at lunch but I never took it this week, just because I was able not to, so I think I am in ketosis. Am I doing to much? I did a planned joy eating on Sunday to be sure I wasn’t afraid of food (cake for afternoon snack with the kids) with the tedious worksheet, and after one piece I experienced a very strong feeling of frustration because I didn’t allow me a second (and third, and to finish the cake…) piece of my delicious-homemade-whole-wheat-rhubarb-cake. But after a few minutes I was OK. And the unfinished cake is still seating on the counter.

The process reminds me of when I stop smoking 20 years ago. The hardest part was to commit to it. I did it, smoke my last cigarette. Then my boyfriend who wasn’t aware of my decision tried to pressure me into stopping. I was angry because it was my business not his and began to smoke again. Then one week later decided it was stupid, and smoke my second last cigarette. And to this day it was the last. Even if for years after that I dreamed that I was smoking…

To finish I want to thank you for the help I got from one of your podcast and that I now use when I sometimes wake up in panic around 5 AM : “I love you, it is going to be OK”