Whitney – Follow up Question

Hi Brooke,

I was listening to September’s live coaching call. First, thank you Whitney for always volunteering! You are so brave and awesome for posing all of your questions live that resonate for so many of us listening!

Brooke, I did have a question, though, about your response when you said it was good to change direction because she is committed still to her goal of making $100k in her business and that it’s okay for the ‘how’ to change. This seems to be different to what you say with regard to niches, however. I started a coaching business earlier this year and after a few months of working with some clients, I’d like to change my niche. I am still committed to coaching and working toward a financial goal, but I thought you suggested we stick with our niche no matter what for at least a year?

Does this differ from Whitney’s situation, and if so, how? Thank you!