Wine and comfort model

I tried to journal about my thoughts on wine and comfort food. I came up with:

Circumstance: I work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week in an Analyst position
Thought: I need and deserve wine and / or “comfort food” to help me wind down at the end of the day.
Change this to: I can change how I wind down at the end of the day. I am powerful and resilient. I can do hard things. I can unwind easily by doing yoga, meditation etc.
Feeling: I am stressed and anxious.
Change this to: I am strong and resilient.
Action: Yoga. Meditation. Buddhist chanting. Walking. Guitar. Knitting. Reading.
Result: Weight loss.

Soooo… If I repeat the new thoughts to myself at the end of the day when I’m tempted to have wine or foods that don’t serve me, eventually the new thoughts will take root? Right now I feel like I can repeat the new thoughts to myself all I want, but I still want the wine or the non-planned food.