Work models – lp

Hi Brooke,

I’m still very much struggling to work out models about my job. I have practiced some really unhelpful and painful thoughts about my job for a while.

C: Job
T: I don’t want to do it anymore
F: unmotivated
A: not a lot of work done
R: unproductive, not my best work


C: Job
T: I don’t want to do it anymore
F: disconnected
A: don’t engage a lot
R: not the type of employee I want to be


C: calling clients
T: I hate calling clients because I don’t know what I’m supposed to say
F: fear
A: avoid calling clients
R: continue to hate calling clients


C: the different services the company I work for offers
T: I don’t want to do all of these different things because I am not good at them but I have to
F: victim (is this a thought or a feeling?)
A: half-ass work
R: don’t want to do my job (is this a thought or a result??)


C: job
T: I know I could do better
F: shame


C: a particular potential client
T: this is going to be a nightmare. we should not pursue this project
F: annoyed
A: act annoyed with my colleague; tell him I am concerned about this project
R: ??


C: job
T: I am living a lie by staying in my job and acting like everything is fine when I don’t want to do any of it
F: guilty

Is resistance a feeling? Can I model myself into desiring to be at my job?